“A new and fresh breath”

“A new and fresh breath”

OcasionPlus, a leading Spanish company in the sale of used vehicles, stands out in the automotive market for its wide range of cars, more than 6,000, at competitive prices and quality. Its commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction is reflected in a comprehensive service that includes warranty, financing and personalized advice.

With a network of more than 80 dealerships throughout Spain, OcasionPlus is distinguished by its reputation based on the quality of its products and the honesty of the information provided on the condition of the vehicles, earning the trust of buyers in the used car market in the country.

Over the last two years, I was responsible for overseeing the UX transformation of OcasionPlus, focusing on key areas of the website that impact user interaction. Below is a detailed breakdown of the improvements made across the different pages.

Over the last two years, I was responsible for overseeing the UX transformation of OcasionPlus, focusing on key areas of the website that impact user interaction. Below is a detailed breakdown of the improvements made across the different pages.

Home Page

Home Page

The home page serves as the entry point for all users, so my focus was on creating a streamlined, visually appealing, and functional layout that guides users efficiently.

The home page serves as the entry point for all users, so my focus was on creating a streamlined, visually appealing, and functional layout that guides users efficiently.

Improved Visual Hierarchy

Improved Visual Hierarchy

I redesigned the home page to prioritize key actions such as searching for vehicles, booking appraisals, and selling cars. This was done by placing these elements prominently in the first viewport with clear, bold CTAs.

I redesigned the home page to prioritize key actions such as searching for vehicles, booking appraisals, and selling cars. This was done by placing these elements prominently in the first viewport with clear, bold CTAs.

Personalized User Experience

Personalized User Experience

We added user-specific sections based on browsing behavior and location, suggesting nearby dealerships or recently viewed cars, which created a more engaging and personalized experience.

We added user-specific sections based on browsing behavior and location, suggesting nearby dealerships or recently viewed cars, which created a more engaging and personalized experience.

Simplified Navigation

Simplified Navigation

The navigation bar was simplified to reduce cognitive load, with clear menu options for car buying, selling, and appraisal services. This helped direct users to the right section of the site quickly.

The navigation bar was simplified to reduce cognitive load, with clear menu options for car buying, selling, and appraisal services. This helped direct users to the right section of the site quickly.

Car Listings Page (Search Results & Filters)

Car Listings Page (Search Results & Filters)

The search results page is where users interact the most with the site’s inventory. The challenge was to simplify the process of finding the perfect car while giving users control through advanced filters.

The search results page is where users interact the most with the site’s inventory. The challenge was to simplify the process of finding the perfect car while giving users control through advanced filters.

Advanced Search Filters

Advanced Search Filters

I introduced more intuitive filtering options, allowing users to refine their search based on make, model, year, mileage, body type, fuel type, and specific car features. The filters were made more accessible through a fixed sidebar for easy adjustment without leaving the page.

I introduced more intuitive filtering options, allowing users to refine their search based on make, model, year, mileage, body type, fuel type, and specific car features. The filters were made more accessible through a fixed sidebar for easy adjustment without leaving the page.

Improved Performance for Filtering

Improved Performance for Filtering

By optimizing backend performance, the page now loads filters and results faster, especially on mobile devices, ensuring a smooth experience when users apply multiple filters.

By optimizing backend performance, the page now loads filters and results faster, especially on mobile devices, ensuring a smooth experience when users apply multiple filters.

Interactive Sorting Tools

Interactive Sorting Tools

I added sorting options like “Newest Listings,” “Lowest Price,” and “Lowest Mileage” to give users more control over how results were displayed. This enhanced usability and gave users a more dynamic interaction with the listings.

I added sorting options like “Newest Listings,” “Lowest Price,” and “Lowest Mileage” to give users more control over how results were displayed. This enhanced usability and gave users a more dynamic interaction with the listings.

Car Detail Page

Car Detail Page

he product page, or the individual car page, plays a critical role in decision-making. My focus here was to provide as much information as possible in a clear and digestible format.

he product page, or the individual car page, plays a critical role in decision-making. My focus here was to provide as much information as possible in a clear and digestible format.



High-Quality Image Galleries

High-Quality Image Galleries

I implemented a new gallery layout with high-resolution images from multiple angles and zoom functionality, giving users a more detailed view of the car’s condition and features.

I implemented a new gallery layout with high-resolution images from multiple angles and zoom functionality, giving users a more detailed view of the car’s condition and features.

Comprehensive Vehicle Information

Comprehensive Vehicle Information

Each car page now includes an expanded set of information, such as detailed specs (engine type, fuel economy, safety features), car history (mileage, accidents), and optional extras like navigation or premium audio systems.

Each car page now includes an expanded set of information, such as detailed specs (engine type, fuel economy, safety features), car history (mileage, accidents), and optional extras like navigation or premium audio systems.

Quick Access to Appointments and Financing

Quick Access to Appointments and Financing

I designed a floating CTA button for quick actions, such as booking a test drive or applying for financing, making the buying process more efficient.

I designed a floating CTA button for quick actions, such as booking a test drive or applying for financing, making the buying process more efficient.

Acquisition page

Acquisition page

The car-selling process was made simpler and more transparent for users who wanted to sell their vehicles through OcasionPlus.

The car-selling process was made simpler and more transparent for users who wanted to sell their vehicles through OcasionPlus.

Streamlined Selling Flow

Streamlined Selling Flow

I reworked the selling page into a simple, step-by-step process where users can submit their car details and receive an instant online appraisal. The entire flow is broken down into digestible sections, ensuring a frictionless experience.

I reworked the selling page into a simple, step-by-step process where users can submit their car details and receive an instant online appraisal. The entire flow is broken down into digestible sections, ensuring a frictionless experience.

Instant Appraisal Tool

Instant Appraisal Tool

I helped implement an online appraisal tool that offers real-time estimates based on market data. This tool was integrated with an AI-powered backend that provides accurate pricing based on the car’s condition, mileage, and current market demand.

I helped implement an online appraisal tool that offers real-time estimates based on market data. This tool was integrated with an AI-powered backend that provides accurate pricing based on the car’s condition, mileage, and current market demand.

User Guidance Through Forms

User Guidance Through Forms

I designed interactive form validation and progress indicators, providing feedback in real time as users filled in their vehicle details. This reduced drop-off rates and improved form completion.

I designed interactive form validation and progress indicators, providing feedback in real time as users filled in their vehicle details. This reduced drop-off rates and improved form completion.

Appraisal form

Introduce los datos de tu coche y consigue tu precio de venta






Tasación y cita











Kilómetros del coche



¿Podemos ayudarte?

Si tienes cualquier duda, llámanos

918 078 852

Lun a Sáb: 9:00 a 21:00.

Dom: 10:00 a 21:00

¿Cómo funciona la venta?

Introduce los datos de tu coche y recibe tu oferta on-line.

Agenda una cita en tu concesionario más cercano.

Elige el tipo de oferta que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades,

¡Te lo compramos el mismo día!

continuar Tasación

Ventajas de vender tu coche con OcasionPlus

Mejor precio garantizado.

Compromiso de pago en 24 horas mediante transferencia bancaria a tu cuenta.

Gestión de cambio de nombre gratuito y envío de justificante de la transferencia.

Sobrevaloramos tu coche si compras otro en OcasionPlus.

Te ahorras tasas e impuestos de transferencia de tu coche a un particular que en un vehículo de 20.000 € asciende a 1.000 €.

Calculamos cargas pendientes que pudiera tener el coche o la reserva de dominio.

76 centros de compra a nivel nacional.

continuar Tasación


Preguntas más frecuentes sobre cómo vender un coche en OcasionPlus.

¿Cómo calculáis el precio de mi coche?

¿Qué información se necesita para determinar el precio?

¿Es verdad que el precio que ofrecéis está garantizado?

¿Cómo funciona la cita de entrega?

¿Puedo vender mi coche sin comprar uno nuevo?

continuar Tasación

Pioneros en la Compra de Coches

Contamos con más de 10 años de experiencia, realizando más de 5.000 operaciones anuales de compra y venta de coches de segunda mano, y la satisfacción de nuestros clientes siempre han sido el motor de nuestro negocio.

Nos tomamos muy en serio las opiniones de nuestros clientes en OcasionPlus, día a día, luchamos por mejorar nuestro negocio y ofrecer a los clientes de OcasionPlus el mejor servicio posible.

Si estás pensando en comprar o vender un coche de segunda mano, aquí puedes leer algunas opiniones y valoraciones sobre OcasionPlus.

En esta página de OcasionPlus opiniones, podrás conocer algunos testimonios reales de nuestros más de 50.000 clientes satisfechos.

Sabemos que el proceso de compra o venta de un vehículo de segunda mano puede ser un proceso largo y tedioso. Además deberás tener mucho cuidado con las estafas y malas prácticas de algunos particulares.

En cambio con OcasionPlus no tendrás por qué preocuparte de nada. Nosotros te asesoraremos en todo momento para que en base a tus necesidades vendas tu coche usado rápidamente o compres uno con todas las garantías.

Descubre las opiniones sobre Ocas...

Ver en

Consulta las valoraciones sobre OcasionPlus en esta página y no te lo pienses más. Si quieres comprar o vender un coche de segunda mano en un concesionario especializado, con miles de valoraciones positivas, ven a conocernos.

No obstante, si tienes alguna duda sobre a qué nos dedicamos o profundizar en algunos temas legales como la financiación o la garantía, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros. Estaremos disponibles para resolver todas tus dudas.

Tenemos una gran selección de SUV y furgonetas de ocasión.

Nos encargamos de todos los trámites con nuestro sistema Compramos tu coche

Si quieres deshacerte de tu antiguo coche pero te preocupa el papeleo y la burocracia, ven a VenderMiCoches.es, nosotros nos encargaremos de todos los trámites necesarios así como al pago de impuestos obligatorios, tú sólo tendras que preocuparte por venir a recibir el dinero tras conocer nuestro sistema compramos tu coche. Como has podido comprobar, nuestro sistema compramos tu coche OcasionPlus es la manera más rápida de recibir dinero rápido por mi coche.

Sean cuáles sean tus circunstancias y las de tu coche, nosotros valoramos tu coche con nuestro sistema compramos tu coche.

Para comprar tu coche de forma rápida es necesario que nos traigas la documentación del vehículo y la tuya:

- Ficha técnica.

- Permiso de circulación.

- Impuesto de circulación.

- DNI o NIE. En caso de sociedades presentar también: escrituras de constitución

- CIF Definitivo

- Firma del apoderado

Nuestra gestoría se encarga de realizar los trámites de:

- Cambio de titularidad del vehículo

- Contrato de compraventa.

El servicio Compramos tu Coche de OcasionPlus es la mejor opción para vender tu coche usado. Completa con todos los datos solicitados nuestro formulario Compramos Tu Coche y recibe la mejor oferta por tu vehículo. Si tienes alguna duda ponte en contacto con nosotros, estamos encantados de ayudarte. Recibe la mejor tasación por tu coche porque en OcasionPlus compramos tu coche de forma rápida y segura y si además de vender quieres comprar un coche con nosotros podemos mejorar la tasación de tu coche.

En OcasionPlus compramos tu coche con la mejor atención

Si llevas tiempo pensando en tu coche y en dónde podrían comprarlo por el mejor precio, OcasionPlus es tu lugar ideal.

Con varios concesionarios en toda la Península, OcasionPlus se ha convertido en una de las principales empresas de compraventa de coches en España.

Estaremos encantados de comprar tu coche conociendo tu situación y ofreciéndote la mejor atención para que la venta de tu coche no sea un quebradero de cabeza.

Con una larga trayectoria en el sector del automóvil, OcasionPlus destaca por su increíble atención a los clientes con el objetivo de poder adaptarse a tus necesidades y poder comprar tu coche.

No esperes más porque no vas a encontrar otro concesionario que compre tu coche con tantas ventajas ni con una atención personalizada como la que te ofrecemos en nuestros puntos de venta de OcasionPlus.

Tendrás el precio por el que compramos tu coche en apenas unos minutos.

Además, facilitamos la compra de tu coche encargándonos de todos los trámites para que no tengas que preocuparte por nada aparte de llevar tu coche a tu concesionario OcasionPlus más cercano.

Y por si esto fuera poco, te ofrecemos las mejores condiciones y formas de pago para comprar tu coche, entendiendo tu situación y condiciones.

No tengas ningún reparo en ponerte en contacto con nosotros sin compromiso para estar informado de todo el proceso que seguimos con nuestro sistema compramos tu coche y de las facilidades que te ofrecemos si quieres comprar otro coche de segunda mano en OcasionPlus.

Estamos a tu disposición para cualquier consulta o duda de nuestro servicio de compramos tu coche.

Compramos tu coche cerca de ti

Para poder facilitar la compra de tu coche y no tener que recorrer largas distancias, disponemos de varios concesionarios OcasionPlus repartidos por diferentes provincias para que comprar tu coche sea sencillo y rápido y puedas hacerlo prácticamente al lado de tu casa.

Compramos tu coche en:

Compramos tu coche en Madrid

Compramos tu coche en Barcelona

Compramos tu coche en Alicante

Compramos tu coche en Bilbao

Compramos tu coche en Sevilla

Compramos tu coche en Pontevedra

Compramos tu coche en Valencia

Compramos tu coche en Zaragoza

Encuentra tu proxímo vehículo



Por ubicación


Alcalá de Henares


Arganda del Rey

Collado Villalba P29


Colmenar Viejo


Las Rozas de Madrid

Madrid Vallehermoso

Madrid Villaverde


Rivas-Vaciamadrid 10

Rivas-Vaciamadrid 14

Torrejón AV. Constitución 120









Barcelona-Lliça de Vall


Barcelona-Terrassa 1

Barcelona-Terrassa 2


Bilbao - San Mamés









Ciudad Real

Ciudad Real




Córdoba - Las Quemadas








Murcia - Cabezo Cortado


Pamplona A38

Pamplona A44



Vigo Caramuxo



Sevilla - Alcalá de Guadaira





Valencia-Pista de Silla




Zaragoza, Ciudad del Automóvil

Atención teléfonica:

Lunes a sábados.

De 09:00 a 21:00.


De 09:00 a 21:00.

Consulta los teléfonos

¿Qué necesitas hacer?

Alquilar un coche

Comprar un coche

Vender un coche


Trabaja con nosotros

Sobre OcasionPlus

Opiniones de Compra

Opiniones de venta



© 2022 OcasionPlus - Todos los derechos reservados

Aviso legal

Politica de privacidad

Politica de Cookies



The appraisal form is critical for users looking to get a quick value estimate for their vehicle, so I aimed to enhance speed, accuracy, and ease of use.

The appraisal form is critical for users looking to get a quick value estimate for their vehicle, so I aimed to enhance speed, accuracy, and ease of use.

Simple, User-Friendly Interface

Simple, User-Friendly Interface

I focused on creating a minimalistic form that guides users step-by-step, reducing complexity and potential errors. It required only essential information such as make, model, mileage, and condition, with visual cues to make selections easier.

I focused on creating a minimalistic form that guides users step-by-step, reducing complexity and potential errors. It required only essential information such as make, model, mileage, and condition, with visual cues to make selections easier.

Instant feedback

Instant feedback

Users received real-time pricing estimates after submitting the form, powered by an AI-driven backend. This reduced the wait time and improved overall satisfaction, making the process of selling a car faster and more transparent.

Users received real-time pricing estimates after submitting the form, powered by an AI-driven backend. This reduced the wait time and improved overall satisfaction, making the process of selling a car faster and more transparent.

Mobile-First Design

Mobile-First Design

Since most users accessed the appraisal form via mobile, I ensured that the form was fully responsive and optimized for touch navigation. This helped increase form submissions from mobile users significantly.

Since most users accessed the appraisal form via mobile, I ensured that the form was fully responsive and optimized for touch navigation. This helped increase form submissions from mobile users significantly.

The changes made across the various pages of OcasionPlus.com were driven by a commitment to enhance the user experience through efficiency, clarity, and personalization. Each improvement, whether it was in advanced filtering on the listings page or the transparency provided in the product details, was aimed at making the user journey smoother and more intuitive. These changes have resulted in higher engagement, increased conversions, and improved overall satisfaction, positioning OcasionPlus as a leader in the online car marketplace.

The changes made across the various pages of OcasionPlus.com were driven by a commitment to enhance the user experience through efficiency, clarity, and personalization. Each improvement, whether it was in advanced filtering on the listings page or the transparency provided in the product details, was aimed at making the user journey smoother and more intuitive. These changes have resulted in higher engagement, increased conversions, and improved overall satisfaction, positioning OcasionPlus as a leader in the online car marketplace.

© Aitor Freije Pastur 2024
UX/UI Designer & Product Designer